Seven Day Meat Keeper

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig... ...You dig, my friend.

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Location: Monroe Township, Ohio

"...Everybody is somebody else's stupid."

Monday, February 06, 2006

Red Scare

Once I came to the conclusion that blogging incessantly was basically masturbation, I needed to shut down for awhile. So sorry for no January posts because I was busy trying to do things more and think about things less. Or, more accurately, write less about the things I was thinking about more.

But what of the world of insolents and indigents screaming about a falling sky, says I? What of the tortured Middle-Easterners and nuclear Pro-Lifer-Haters? Muhammad-esque cartoonage causing Danish flag burning, fickle press peoples pressing for Free-Dumb, and our newfound CheVez of the Southern Hemisphere warning of an invasion by our over-under-funded Military Industrial Complex. He must think his oil don't stink...

What to make of warrantless spying and backpack bombings? Scooter on trial and both sides of the aisle shouting in denial? Got some snaps of Abramoff passing bags of cash to YOUR local Indian racetrack betting parlor? Alito and wifey all muddied up because he's gotta be Darth Mutherfucking Maul, RIGHT...?

Can we make a resolution to resolve to talk more about negotiating a truthless truce with Osambo Bin Abenimijahamalbadinjad or whoeverthefuck that Mr. Iran guy is? At least he's got some resolve to his resolutions. And if he doesn't watch his radical Islamo-Lookin' Like Pat Robertson-Fascist-Ass Self, somebody might threaten to talk about resolving to issue a stern warning, followed by a second sterner warning, then possible referral to a council of Smarty Pantses who are the absolute BEST at talking about warnings!!

Fighting, fighting everywhere. We're either with us or against us.

Are you Pro-Life or Anti-George? Do you support our troops or are you against Alaskan oil fields? Pro-Choice or pregnant in the kitchen? Gun Control or Crystal Cathedral? Gay Marriage or Abu Ghraib? Free for everyone, everyone free, or everyone for themselves? 401K contributions or 700 Club donations? Does YOUR car run or geothermal-bio-corn-wheatgrass-solar milkshakes, or are YOU a planet-smasher? Do Ted Kennedy, Cindy Sheehan, Rush Limbaugh, and Ted Nugent swim in YOUR main-stream?

Scream louder, please. Sharpen that finger for super-intense pointing sessions. Get rid of that old coal stove in your shanty 'cuz my new rhetoric-burning stove stays way hotter way longer.

Have you ever seen OZ? I mean that great prison show formerly on HBO, silly... not Detroit. They called the young gay sexslut boys in prison PRAGS. I think PRAG was an insult meant to reference the term PRAGMATIC. Why? Well it seems that there are fewer and fewer pragmatic peoples out there in our because, apparently, YOU'RE A FLIPPIN' SISSY ASS FAGBOY/GIRL/TRANSGENDERED CITIZEN if you can't pick a side of the line and stomp your feet and throw insinuations at the fucks on the other side.

All these things do I ponder daily almost as much as the brain cells I do squander daily. And seeing as masturbation - on the occasional occasion - can be fun (and even somebody might look in rarely) I shall once again slather on the greezy grease to spew load after load of sometimes thoughtful prag sissyboy shit because, really, I can't find the line - MY line; and when I find MY line I'm turnin' it into a circle.

And you're either IN my circle, or you're OUT of my circle.
Or you're ON my circle.

And trust me, Gold Circle was GREAT place to shop...


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