Sensitive Vegetarian Warning
Went to Charles and Hilary's farm for a goat roast Saturday afternoon. Ironically enough, the name of the goat they slaughtered was Crunchy.
This was a slow, lazy, sexist Greek-Stylre roast. The guys stuff the goat with wine, oil, herbs, and feta. Then they sit around by the fire all day and get drunk.
The women stay in the house and cook.
We were nice enough to let the women come outside and drink with us. Alas, the liquor store in Conneaut doesn't sell Ouzo, so the magic just wasn't there...
Crunchy Earns His Nickname

Sarah Lickin' Her Chaw

I tried to think of the proper caption for the above picture, but nothing appropriate came to mind.
Maybe, "Thanks, Crunchy...".

And how did a five year old and an eight year old living out in the country already figure out these ghetto-style cheerleader hoochie moves?
This was a slow, lazy, sexist Greek-Stylre roast. The guys stuff the goat with wine, oil, herbs, and feta. Then they sit around by the fire all day and get drunk.
The women stay in the house and cook.
We were nice enough to let the women come outside and drink with us. Alas, the liquor store in Conneaut doesn't sell Ouzo, so the magic just wasn't there...
Crunchy Earns His Nickname

Sarah Lickin' Her Chaw

I tried to think of the proper caption for the above picture, but nothing appropriate came to mind.
Maybe, "Thanks, Crunchy...".

And how did a five year old and an eight year old living out in the country already figure out these ghetto-style cheerleader hoochie moves?
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