Seven Day Meat Keeper

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig... ...You dig, my friend.

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Location: Monroe Township, Ohio

"...Everybody is somebody else's stupid."

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Americans are Pigs; All Praise Allah

So the only question I have is when we will find out the details of his demented plan? Since most of the wacked out blog kidz out there are already convinced GWB knew about this London train/bus bombing thing, the only question left is who were George Bush's accomplices and how did he manage to plant those bombs and still make it to the G8 Summit?

Since we have the lunatic fringe calling for the prosecution of the Prez and our troops as war criminals, wouldn't the next logical step be to seek out the leaders of the Terrorist Party and invite them to a summit so we can negotiate to give these innocents a homeland and voting rights? These downtrodden and thoroughly tortured uindividuals deserve no less than food stamps and college tuition paid for with the tax dollars of us, the War Criminal Nation.

But what about the decapitation of kidnapped foreigners in Iraq and Afghanistan, you ask?

Small beans when compared to the cruel stress positions those poor souls at Guantanamo had to endure.

And how to counter train bombings in London and Madrid?

Imprison those being bombed (they're all from war criminal countries anyway) to make more room for the schools we'll build to bring radical Islam into the twenty-first century. Free governments could start intensive Radical Imam training and soon after the standardized Islam testing can begin. Once enough American troops are imprisoned, we could enact the No Suicide Bomber Left Behind law. And thusly we could assure that every young child could be safely indoctrinated with pure hatred for America and all the warmongering white males that populate this land. That would fit right in with the current leftist ideology in America because isn't that what most False Liberals are teching their own children?

Just as white America is responsible for the inability of black people to progress (since it is the white man who keeps the brothers down) so is white America responsible for bombings in London, and plane crashes in New York, and poverty in Africa, and AIDS, and destruction in Iraq, and little terrorist children in Syria, and global warming, and tornadoes and floods and avian flu and SARS.

In fact, until we as Evil Warmongering Imperialist Capitalist Gluttonous American Pigs realize we are the truest evil and voluntarily destroy our own country, nobody else on the planet may ever know peace or prosperity.

So I'll be the first to suggest that we all voulntarily go down to our local penitentiary and turn ourselves in and hand the keys over to the poor radical Imams and peace loving socialists. After all, they only want peace and we've kept them from it for far too long.

And hopefully they can prosecute GWB because he KNEW about the train bombs.
In fact, he planned them...
...Right after he got finished planning 9/11...


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