You Fold It, You Bought It
I did a wine thing at a favorite local grocery on Friday night. As you can see, there were more salepeople than customers. Actually, it was like playing glorified semi-knowledgeable bartender for 20 people with a bunch of other bartenders also tending bar...

Salesfolk standing around waiting with dumbfounded expressions
hoping this whole thing is just an acid trip...

There's the nice lady who slid right on over here
from the whorehouse after putting all her bitches out for the night...
She told stories about cruisin' down the west coast in a limo
with a bunch of other Granny-Pimps on a wine tour.
She reminded me of a Sammy Davis Jr. with tits.

And I finally met the guy who owns the comic book store on The Simpsons.

Salesfolk standing around waiting with dumbfounded expressions
hoping this whole thing is just an acid trip...

There's the nice lady who slid right on over here
from the whorehouse after putting all her bitches out for the night...
She told stories about cruisin' down the west coast in a limo
with a bunch of other Granny-Pimps on a wine tour.
She reminded me of a Sammy Davis Jr. with tits.

And I finally met the guy who owns the comic book store on The Simpsons.
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